OFA and OPRE hosted five webinars in June 2020 related to the FOAs for the 2020 round of HMRF grants. Additional webinars were held in July and August 2020 on OPRE HM and RF research and evaluation projections. Scroll down for descriptions and links to the slides, transcripts, and recordings.
WEBINARS: Two federally-led evaluations to strengthen the implementation of Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood programs
The Strengthening the Implementation of Marriage and Relationship Programs (SIMR) and Strengthening the Implementation of Responsible Fatherhood Programs (SIRF) projects developed and tested promising implementation solutions to address common challenges for healthy marriage and relationship education (HMRE) and responsible fatherhood (RF) programs in areas such as recruitment, initial engagement, program completion, and engagement in program content. They used rapid cycle approaches and partnered with HMRE and RF programs to conduct this work.
Click here for a recording of the August 3, 2020 webinar on the SIMR (HMRE programs) project
Click here for a recording of the August 12, 2020 webinar on the SIRF (RF programs) project
WEBINAR: Pathways-to-Outcomes models for Responsible Fatherhood programs
Responsible Fatherhood (RF) programming has grown out of research demonstrating the importance of father involvement in family life, specifically to reduce child poverty. RF programs funded by the Administration for Children and Families offer activities designed to strengthen positive father-child engagement, improve social and economic outcomes for fathers and their families, improve healthy couple and co-parenting relationships, and promote or sustain healthy marriage. To support development of future programs and guide research, Mathematica, as part of the Parents and Children Together (PACT) evaluation, developed four models that hypothesize how program activities may lead to intended outcomes. The hypotheses address:
- Improving fathers’ co-parenting relationships
- Supporting fathers’ development and well-being
- Improving fathers’ employment and economic stability
- Enhancing fathers’ parenting skills and increasing involvement in their children’s lives
During the webinar, the PACT team described the work conducted to develop these models and introduce each model. The webinar provided ideas for program activities that RF practitioners can consider, and potentially test, as part of their programs.
Click here for a recording of the July 23, 2020 webinar on the Pathways-to-Outcomes models for Responsible Fatherhood programs.
WEBINAR: Pathways-to-Outcomes models for Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education programs
Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education (HMRE) programming began as a relationship stability strategy for premarital couples, and spread to serve a broader range of couples, including low-income and at-risk families. HMRE programs for adult couples funded by the Administration for Children and Families address marriage and relationship skills, parenting skills, financial management, conflict resolution, and job and career advancement. To support development of future programs and guide research, Mathematica, as part of the Parents and Children Together (PACT) evaluation, developed three models that hypothesize how program activities may lead to intended outcomes. The hypotheses address:
- Selecting, tailoring, and delivering an evidence-informed HMRE curriculum
- Increasing participation in HMRE workshops
- Accommodating the unique circumstances of individuals and couples in programs
During the webinar, the PACT team described the work conducted to develop these models and introduce each model. The webinar provided ideas for program activities that HMRE practitioners can consider, and potentially test, as part of their programs.
Click here for a recording of the July 27, 2020 webinar on the Pathways-to-Outcomes models for Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education programs.
2020 Funding Opportunity Announcement for Responsible Fatherhood Programs
Event Description
This webinar discussed a range of issues for organizations to consider as they designed programs and prepared applications in response to the Funding Opportunity Announcement for the 2020 Responsible Fatherhood grant competition. You can find the webinar recording, transcript and slides below.
2:00PM Eastern (11:00AM Pacific) on Thursday, June 4, 2020
2020 Funding Opportunity Announcement for Healthy Marriage Adult Programs
Event Description
This webinar discussed a range of issues for organizations to consider as they designed programs and prepared applications in response to the Funding Opportunity Announcement for the 2020 Healthy Marriage Adults grant competition. You can find the webinar recording, transcript and slides below.
2:00PM Eastern (11:00AM Pacific) on Friday, June 5, 2020
2020 Funding Opportunity Announcement for Healthy Marriage Youth Programs
Event Description
This webinar discussed a range of issues for organizations to consider as they designed programs and prepared applications in response to the Funding Opportunity Announcement for the 2020 Healthy Marriage Youth grant competition. You can find the webinar recording, transcript and slides below.
2:00PM Eastern (11:00AM Pacific) on Monday, June 8, 2020
Tools for Data Management, Reporting, and Continuous Quality Improvement
Event Description
This webinar discussed the performance measure system designed specifically for Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood grantees. Attendees saw a demonstration of the Information, Family Outcomes, Reporting, and Management (nFORM) system in action and learned how data from the system would be automatically uploaded into required reporting forms (such as the semi-annual Performance Progress Reports, or PPRs), greatly reducing the reporting burden on grantees. This webinar also discussed continuous quality improvement (CQI) planning and implementation. The webinar highlighted CQI tools and resources. You can find the webinar recording, transcript and slides below.
2:00PM Eastern (11:00AM Pacific) on Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Local and Federal Evaluation: Answering Key Questions
Event Description
This webinar discussed the expectation for local evaluations or grantee evaluation of specific research questions of interest. This exciting feature of the Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood grants allows grantees the opportunity to explore research questions in-depth, to inform both grantee operations and the knowledge base for the entire field. The webinar also discussed federal evaluations of both the Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood grants. You can find the webinar recording, transcript and slides below.
2:00PM Eastern (11:00AM Pacific) on Wednesday, June 10, 2020