Continuous Quality Improvement Resources

This page provides resources on continuous quality improvement (CQI) for HMRF grantees. Below are information and resource links for practitioners and developers to use in developing CQI plans and implementing the CQI process.

Additional resources will be added over the coming months. Check back for updates!

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CQI Template

This template is intended to guide the development of CQI plans for the 2020 cohort grantees. It can be filled out by responding to the questions and prompts within each section.

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An Overview of the CQI Template

Provides a brief overview of the CQI template and introduces the graphical representation of the seven steps of a CQI process.

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Download CQI Template

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Displaying 21 - 30 of 49

  • Webinar covers how to use your logic model to be more data-driven in guiding CQI efforts. This session presents the logic model as a practical tool in supporting CQI. It included a grantee presentation focusing on how one team identified and broke down a key challenge to support improvement.

    Feb 2023
  • Webinar delves into the fourth discipline of the Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX) framework (discussed in the October and December office hours), which is to establish a cadence of accountability. The session covered WIG sessions as a tool for keeping teams focused on key priorities. It covered recommended agenda items and tips for facilitating effective WIG sessions.

    Jan 2023
  • Webinar delves into the third discipline of the Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX) framework (introduced in the October office hours), which is build a compelling dashboard. 4DX dashboards are a useful tool for motivating teams to make progress toward their wildly important goal and keep track of efforts staff are making to contribute to the goal. The webinar included a grantee presentation of two programmatic dashboards.

    Dec 2022
  • Webinar introduces the Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX) as a framework for moving forward on important priorities. This is especially relevant to teams who have stalled in moving forward on CQI efforts. The webinar also included a grantee presentation on the importance of wildly important goals.

    Oct 2022
  • Webinar discussed considerations for next steps after concluding a CQI cycle. It presents different scenarios for next steps, depending on how the prior cycle ended. The session also involved a grantee presentation.   

    Sep 2022
  • Webinar about findings from an ACF-sponsored study on workshop implementation factors that predict the likelihood of program completion among participants from the 2015 cohort of Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood grantees. Includes considerations for how grantees could use the study’s findings for program improvement efforts.

    Sep 2022
  • Webinar discussed the topic of reflecting on CQI processes. It touches on the importance of reflecting and what to reflect on, and includes an activity that CQI teams can use to reflect internally on what’s working and where there are opportunities for improvement.  

    Aug 2022
  • Webinar covered considerations for sustaining gains from a successful CQI effort. It presents three steps that support sustaining outcomes post-testing. These steps include reflecting on learning; formalizing your improvement strategy; and planning for scaling and sustainability.

    Jul 2022
  • Webinar covered considerations for monitoring improvement following the implementation of a strategy. It covers the three types of measures that are helpful for assessing the success of a strategy, and introduces run charts as a useful visualization tool for monitoring improvement.

    Jun 2022
  • Webinar covered the key steps in the CQI process for distilling takeaways and making decisions after a road test. The presentation includes grantee responses to an in-session activity that allowed teams to engage with data together.

    May 2022