The nFORM team reviews recent updates to the QPR and PPR progress narrative templates, the Applicant Characteristics survey, and the Program Operations survey.
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The nFORM team reviews recent updates to the QPR and PPR progress narrative templates, the Applicant Characteristics survey, and the Program Operations survey.
The nFORM team discusses considerations for data collection and reporting through the end of the grant. Attendees also share experiences and ideas for nFORM TA.
The nFORM and CQI team answer questions or topics of interests from grantees in this combined office hour panel.
The nFORM team provides an overview of nFORM for new and existing users.
This manual describes best practices for collecting data with nFORM, and describes special data collection scenarios.
Please note that this resource is temporarily unavailable while we make updates. We apologize for any inconvenience and will post the updated resource soon.
This manual provides complete step-by-step instructions for using nFORM.
This FEDTalk describes OFA’s expectations for hiring key project positions. Along with sample job descriptions, ACF’s guidance includes information on the skills and experiences to focus on when hiring a Project Director, Project Manager, Financial Officer, and Data Manager.
This tip sheet provides step-by-step instructions for new users on how to prepare for collecting, entering and monitoring data in nFORM.
These webinar slides describe how nFORM 2.0 data collection and reporting apply to school-based READY4Life grantees.
This template guides HMRF grantees through the key stages of data collection using nFORM 2.0 to help plan ahead and train staff so that data collection runs as smoothly as possible.