The nFORM and CQI team answer questions or topics of interests from grantees in this combined office hour panel.
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The nFORM and CQI team answer questions or topics of interests from grantees in this combined office hour panel.
The nFORM team provides an overview of nFORM for new and existing users.
The nFORM team introduces their new user locking system added to nFORM. They also provide an overview of the economic stability data available throughout nFORM and highlighted the data tools available for effectively monitoring this data. A grantee shared their approach to monitoring economic stability data. Additionally, the tip sheet below expands on the content presented in the office hours tutorial with additional examples about using nFORM to monitor economic stability data. The infographic provides a snapshot of nFORM data on economic stability services provided across grantees through July 31, 2023
Please note that this resource is temporarily unavailable while we make updates. We apologize for any inconvenience and will post the updated resource soon.
This manual provides complete step-by-step instructions for using nFORM.
The nFORM Team provides a review of how to use nFORM 2.0 data tools and reports to answer grantee questions.
The nFORM Team provides a continued review of the nFORM Operational Reports during the November 2022 office hours. This tutorial focuses on a deep dive into the remaining reports and discusses upcoming nFORM enhancements.
The nFORM Team provides an overview of the nFORM Operational Reports during the October 2022 office hours. The team then takes a deeper dive into some of the reports providing the purposes, benefits, and data points available for each. Tips were provided on how to use the reports. The team collected feedback on the operational reports for future updates.
This tip sheet provides step-by-step instructions for new users on how to prepare for collecting, entering and monitoring data in nFORM.
This training video walks through the bulk update features of nFORM.
This training video provides an overview of nFORM 2.0.