The nFORM team reviews recent updates to the QPR and PPR progress narrative templates, the Applicant Characteristics survey, and the Program Operations survey.
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The nFORM team reviews recent updates to the QPR and PPR progress narrative templates, the Applicant Characteristics survey, and the Program Operations survey.
The nFORM team discusses considerations for data collection and reporting through the end of the grant. Attendees also share experiences and ideas for nFORM TA.
The nFORM team introduces a new nFORM enhancement that will send automatic emails to nFORM users whose accounts are at risk of being deactivated, along with new and updated nFORM resources.
This manual describes best practices for collecting data with nFORM, and describes special data collection scenarios.
These webinar slides describe how nFORM 2.0 data collection and reporting apply to school-based READY4Life grantees.
This documents provides answers to common questions about using nFORM 2.0 to manage local evaluations.
This template guides HMRF grantees through the key stages of data collection using nFORM 2.0 to help plan ahead and train staff so that data collection runs as smoothly as possible.
This document provides answers to common questions about nFORM 2.0 and performance measures data collection.
This training video walks through the steps for adding service assignments for local evaluations.
This is a PDF of privacy information to provide to clients.