The nFORM team reviews recent updates to the QPR and PPR progress narrative templates, the Applicant Characteristics survey, and the Program Operations survey.
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The nFORM team reviews recent updates to the QPR and PPR progress narrative templates, the Applicant Characteristics survey, and the Program Operations survey.
The nFORM team discusses considerations for data collection and reporting through the end of the grant. Attendees also share experiences and ideas for nFORM TA.
This manual describes best practices for collecting data with nFORM, and describes special data collection scenarios.
The nFORM Team provides a review of how to use nFORM 2.0 data tools and reports to answer grantee questions.
The nFORM Team provides a continued review of the nFORM Operational Reports during the November 2022 office hours. This tutorial focuses on a deep dive into the remaining reports and discusses upcoming nFORM enhancements.
The nFORM Team provides an overview of the nFORM Operational Reports during the October 2022 office hours. The team then takes a deeper dive into some of the reports providing the purposes, benefits, and data points available for each. Tips were provided on how to use the reports. The team collected feedback on the operational reports for future updates.
These webinar slides describe how nFORM 2.0 data collection and reporting apply to school-based READY4Life grantees.
This template guides HMRF grantees through the key stages of data collection using nFORM 2.0 to help plan ahead and train staff so that data collection runs as smoothly as possible.
This document provides answers to common questions about nFORM 2.0 and performance measures data collection.
High-quality performance data are key for tracking programming and outcomes, informing continuous quality improvement, and conducting analyses to understand more about HMRF programs. To support the collection and use of high-quality data, ACF is providing grantees with nFORM 2.0, a management information system, as well as a template for planning data collection. During this webinar, the nFORM team gives an overview of how Project Leaders, Data Managers, and Evaluators may use nFORM 2.0 for data collection, reporting performance, and viewing and analyzing data. We also will walk through the data collection plan template and how it can be used to plan each step of grantee data collection.