The nFORM team reviews recent updates to the QPR and PPR progress narrative templates, the Applicant Characteristics survey, and the Program Operations survey.
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The nFORM team reviews recent updates to the QPR and PPR progress narrative templates, the Applicant Characteristics survey, and the Program Operations survey.
The nFORM team discusses considerations for data collection and reporting through the end of the grant. Attendees also share experiences and ideas for nFORM TA.
The nFORM team provides an overview of upcoming enhancements to the query tool.
The nFORM team offers a detailed overview of individual service contracts (ISCs) and proceeds to provide an in-depth review of the available data tools designed for monitoring ISCs.
The nFORM team provides an overview of the query tool and upcoming enhancements to the Primary Workshop Participation and Grant Year Overview tabs.
This manual describes best practices for collecting data with nFORM, and describes special data collection scenarios.
The nFORM Team provides an overview of ISCs and referrals and how to analyze trends in individual services. This tutorial also includes a grantee’s experience with developing and implementing an approach to monitoring ISCs.
This webinar provides in-depth information on how grantees can drill down on data in the query tool and how to use the information to support program monitoring and CQI.
This guidance developed by ACF includes information about can and cannot be provided as a program incentive, limitations of incentive costs, and recording incentives in nFORM.
These webinar slides describe how nFORM 2.0 data collection and reporting apply to school-based READY4Life grantees.