This is a Word version of the Program Operations Survey, which is submitted by site administrators as part of the process for completing the QPR or PPR.
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This is a Word version of the Program Operations Survey, which is submitted by site administrators as part of the process for completing the QPR or PPR.
This is a Word version of the Applicant Characteristics Survey completed by all HMRF clients.
These are PDFs of the mothers' version of the Entrance and Exit Surveys completed by women enrolled under the RF Community Fathers population.
These are the PDFs of the Entrance and Exit Surveys completed by RF Community Fathers.
These are PDFs of the Entrance and Exit Surveys completed by HM Youth.
These are PDFs of the Entrance and Exit Surveys completed by HM Adults.
These are PDFs of the Entrance and Exit Surveys completed by RF Reentering Individuals.
This document provides answers to common questions about the IRB process. Please note that this resource was updated in January 2024 to include additional information about CQI, local evaluations, participation in federal evaluations, and addressing clients who revoke consent.
The nFORM team introduces their new user locking system added to nFORM. They also provide an overview of the economic stability data available throughout nFORM and highlighted the data tools available for effectively monitoring this data. A grantee shared their approach to monitoring economic stability data. Additionally, the tip sheet below expands on the content presented in the office hours tutorial with additional examples about using nFORM to monitor economic stability data. The infographic provides a snapshot of nFORM data on economic stability services provided across grantees through July 31, 2023
During the October 2023 nFORM office hours, the nFORM team provided a tutorial on survey completion and refusal rates, along with techniques to identify potential data quality concerns and enhance survey response and completion rates. The infographic expands on the information provided during the October 2023 nFORM office hours, and includes additional examples of how to monitor and understand survey data.