This combined nFORM and CQI office hours focuses on how to tell your grant program’s story to different audiences, drawing on data and thinking strategically about messages.
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This combined nFORM and CQI office hours focuses on how to tell your grant program’s story to different audiences, drawing on data and thinking strategically about messages.
This is a Word version of the Program Operations Survey, which is submitted by site administrators as part of the process for completing the QPR or PPR.
This is a Word version of the Applicant Characteristics Survey completed by all HMRF clients.
The nFORM team continues their grantee panel on program monitoring. Panelists include members from Zepf Center and Youth & Family Services.
The nFORM team hosts a grantee panel discussion on approaches to using nFORM for program monitoring. Panelists include members from the Family and Workforce Centers of America, University of Maryland, and Auburn University.
These are PDFs of the Entrance and Exit Surveys completed by HM Adults.
These are PDFs of the Entrance and Exit Surveys completed by RF Reentering Individuals.
These are PDFs of the mothers' version of the Entrance and Exit Surveys completed by women enrolled under the RF Community Fathers population.
These are the PDFs of the Entrance and Exit Surveys completed by RF Community Fathers.
These are PDFs of the Entrance and Exit Surveys completed by HM Youth.