The nFORM team introduces a new nFORM enhancement that will send automatic emails to nFORM users whose accounts are at risk of being deactivated, along with new and updated nFORM resources.
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The nFORM team introduces a new nFORM enhancement that will send automatic emails to nFORM users whose accounts are at risk of being deactivated, along with new and updated nFORM resources.
This FEDTalk describes OFA’s expectations for hiring key project positions. Along with sample job descriptions, ACF’s guidance includes information on the skills and experiences to focus on when hiring a Project Director, Project Manager, Financial Officer, and Data Manager.
This infographic provides answers to common grantee questions on how to use nFORM’s query tool, operational reports, and data export to review and better understand quarterly performance measures that are reported to ACF and support program monitoring and CQI efforts.
This webinar introduces a new nFORM 2.0 resource on reviewing recruitment and enrollment data using the QPR/PPR, query tool, operational reports, and data export. The nFORM team also discusses the ways that grantees can use these data tools to support program monitoring and continuous quality improvement.
This tip sheet provides suggestions for ways that the Query Tool can be used to answer common recruitment and participation data questions.
This training video walks through the steps for enrolling clients and managing client profiles.
This is a PDF of privacy information to provide to clients.
This training video describes best practices to follow to keep data secure.