The nFORM team provides an overview of the query tool and upcoming enhancements to the Primary Workshop Participation and Grant Year Overview tabs.
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The nFORM team provides an overview of the query tool and upcoming enhancements to the Primary Workshop Participation and Grant Year Overview tabs.
The nFORM team provides a tutorial on monitoring workshop participation trends, and explains step-by-step how grantees can analyze primary workshop participation by referral source. A grantee also shares their approach to using the nFORM operational reports to monitor primary workshop participation.
The nFORM team provides an overview of primary and optional workshops, tips for monitoring workshop participation, and how to use nFORM 2.0 data tools to identify clients who stop participating.
The nFORM Team provides an overview of ISCs and referrals and how to analyze trends in individual services. This tutorial also includes a grantee’s experience with developing and implementing an approach to monitoring ISCs.
The nFORM Team provides a review of how to use nFORM 2.0 data tools and reports to answer grantee questions.
The nFORM Team provides a deep dive into the data export and data dictionary, and provides tips on how to use the data for program monitoring.
The nFORM Team provides a continued review of the nFORM Operational Reports during the November 2022 office hours. This tutorial focuses on a deep dive into the remaining reports and discusses upcoming nFORM enhancements.
The nFORM Team provides an overview of the nFORM Operational Reports during the October 2022 office hours. The team then takes a deeper dive into some of the reports providing the purposes, benefits, and data points available for each. Tips were provided on how to use the reports. The team collected feedback on the operational reports for future updates.
This webinar covers ways to review grant year 2 data, tips for completing the progress narrative of the QPR/PPR, and recommendations on how to review and update data collection plans. The nFORM team also introduces several new and updated nFORM TA resources.
This webinar introduces a new nFORM 2.0 resource on reviewing recruitment and enrollment data using the QPR/PPR, query tool, operational reports, and data export. The nFORM team also discusses the ways that grantees can use these data tools to support program monitoring and continuous quality improvement.