Client Outcomes

  • The nFORM team introduces their new user locking system added to nFORM. They also provide an overview of the economic stability data available throughout nFORM and highlighted the data tools available for effectively monitoring this data. A grantee shared their approach to monitoring economic stability data. Additionally, the tip sheet below expands on the content presented in the office hours tutorial with additional examples about using nFORM to monitor economic stability data. The infographic provides a snapshot of nFORM data on economic stability services provided across grantees through July 31, 2023


  • Webinar about findings from an ACF-sponsored study on workshop implementation factors that predict the likelihood of program completion among participants from the 2015 cohort of Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood grantees. Includes considerations for how grantees could use the study’s findings for program improvement efforts.

  • This webinar provides in-depth information on how grantees can drill down on data in the query tool and how to use the information to support program monitoring and CQI.