Identify strategy and road test

  • This planning tool helps CQI teams guide and track their CQI efforts.

  • Webinar discusses developing a road map for improvement, which supports mapping out an improvement strategy and developing learning questions ahead of a road test.

  • Webinar reviews the bright spots method that was first shared in the January 2024 session. The February session included a Mural activity to learn about bright spots across grants.

  • Tip sheet provides an overview of the Bright Spots approach, a tool that can be used to support strategy development. The tip sheet also includes a matrix that presents advantages and disadvantages of methods for identifying bright spots, a collaborative activity to identify success factors with staff, and an interview template to learn more about practices used by bright spots. 

  • Webinar covered the Bright Spots approach, a tool that supports strategy development within CQI efforts. In using this method, teams identify high-performing sites or staff, and then interview staff to learn more about what they do.

  • Webinar covered activities to support user-centered strategy development. These included two empathy-focused activities – empathy mapping and journey mapping – to consider the needs of strategy “users” when designing for improvement. It also included an activity to foster collaborative strategy design with staff and/or partners called Round Robin.

  • Tip sheet covers considerations for developing learning questions to frame a road test and how to use them to reflect on road test results after the road test.

  • Webinar covered the key steps in the CQI process for distilling takeaways and making decisions after a road test. The presentation includes grantee responses to an in-session activity that allowed teams to engage with data together.

  • Webinar described key data collection methods to support learning as part of a road test. The session touched on considerations for using different methods as part of a road test, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and administrative data. It also included presentations from two grantees on how they have used data to learn about their improvement strategies.

  • Webinar covered common challenges that occur when road testing and offered strategies for getting ahead of them. The presentation includes grantee responses to an in-session poll question about challenges they've encountered when road testing.