Webinar covered considerations for monitoring improvement following the implementation of a strategy. It covers the three types of measures that are helpful for assessing the success of a strategy, and introduces run charts as a useful visualization tool for monitoring improvement.
SMART goals
Webinar provided guidance and examples for how to use nFORM to support program monitoring and CQI. Featured key reports and tools in nFORM that support using and learning from programmatic data.
Webinar provided considerations for conducting a road test to learn about and refine improvement strategies and offered thoughts on continued monitoring of strategies. We reviewed road test planning; discussed the purpose of learning cycles and considerations for next steps; and shared about importance of SMART goal monitoring to assess success.
Tip sheet provides guidance on three key steps to take when developing improvement strategies. It includes six one-page tip sheets on different methods for learning about challenges and developing and prioritizing strategies.
Webinar provided suggestions for completing sections D1-D3 of the HMRF CQI Plan template.
Webinar focuses on developing effective SMART goals, as well as identifying data to track progress toward SMART goals.
Covers common questions related to developing and measuring progress toward SMART goals. Also appears under New Resources.