This tip sheet provides detailed information on how grant recipients can use nFORM data to monitor and report on their program’s progress towards ACF’s goal of equitable program delivery, including enrollment, workshop and individual services, and survey responses by target demographic groups.
During the October 2023 nFORM office hours, the nFORM team provided a tutorial on survey completion and refusal rates, along with techniques to identify potential data quality concerns and enhance survey response and completion rates. The infographic expands on the information provided during the October 2023 nFORM office hours, and includes additional examples of how to monitor and understand survey data.
The team provides an overview of survey administration options and available nFORM TA resources on client surveys. Four grantees also share their strategies and experiences with conducting survey administration.
Webinar focuses on collecting feedback to respond to key learning questions in a road test.
This tip sheet on administering surveys to clients during the public health emergency details three ways to administer surveys to clients remotely, along with the practices to follow for each method.
Two examples of feedback forms CQI implementation teams can use or adapt to collect client feedback on workshops.