This combined nFORM and CQI office hours focuses on how to tell your grant program’s story to different audiences, drawing on data and thinking strategically about messages.
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This combined nFORM and CQI office hours focuses on how to tell your grant program’s story to different audiences, drawing on data and thinking strategically about messages.
These are PDFs of the RF QPR and PPR quantitative data templates and Word versions of the progress narrative templates. Once completed, the narrative Word template must be converted to a PDF by clicking “File”, then “Save As”, then selecting “PDF” from the drop-down menu of available file formats. Only PDF versions of the completed progress narrative can be uploaded into Grant Solutions. When accessing the Word narrative templates, download and save the file to your computer with the reporting date included. For example, if you are submitting the Grant Year 4 PPR, it is recommended to save the file with "10.30.2024" in the file name.
These are PDFs of the HM QPR and PPR quantitative data templates and Word versions of the progress narrative templates. Once completed, the narrative Word template must be converted to a PDF by clicking “File”, then “Save As”, then selecting “PDF” from the drop-down menu of available file formats. Only PDF versions of the completed progress narrative can be uploaded into Grant Solutions. When accessing the Word narrative templates, download and save the file to your computer with the reporting date included. For example, if you are submitting the Grant Year 4 PPR, it is recommended to save the file with "10.30.2024" in the file name.
The nFORM team continues their grantee panel on program monitoring. Panelists include members from Zepf Center and Youth & Family Services.
The nFORM team hosts a grantee panel discussion on approaches to using nFORM for program monitoring. Panelists include members from the Family and Workforce Centers of America, University of Maryland, and Auburn University.
This tip sheet provides detailed steps for accessing and saving the template and tips on how to complete the progress narrative each quarter.
The nFORM team introduces their new user locking system added to nFORM. They also provide an overview of the economic stability data available throughout nFORM and highlighted the data tools available for effectively monitoring this data. A grantee shared their approach to monitoring economic stability data. Additionally, the tip sheet below expands on the content presented in the office hours tutorial with additional examples about using nFORM to monitor economic stability data. The infographic provides a snapshot of nFORM data on economic stability services provided across grantees through July 31, 2023
This tutorial covers ways to review grant year 3 data, tips for completing the progress narrative of the QPR/PPR, and recommendations on how to review and update data collection plans. The nFORM team also highlights various nFORM TA resources that are helpful to review when preparing for grant year 4.
The nFORM team provides an overview of performance targets and tips for grantees to establish their own program goals. Further, the team conducts an in-depth review on tracking progress towards referral goals.
This tip sheet maps each type of HMRF performance data in the PPR to relevant nFORM 2.0 tools.