Responsible Fatherhood

  • Program staff at all levels can use this worksheet to document questions they have about their HMRF grant work. After discussing those questions with their HMRF data manager, they should record the source(s) of information and answers, and identify next steps.

  • This template displays the nFORM 2.0 data export layout, and includes sample data and tips on how to use the nFORM 2.0 data export. Grantees may use this resource as a reference for using nFORM 2.0 data for program operations, monitoring, and improvement. This resource also includes which tabs of the data dictionary to reference when reviewing the data.

  • This tip sheet provides detailed steps for accessing and saving the template and tips on how to complete the progress narrative each quarter.

  • This infographic provides answers to common grantee questions on how to use nFORM’s query tool, operational reports, and data export to review and better understand quarterly performance measures that are reported to ACF and support program monitoring and CQI efforts.

  • These are PDFs of the RF QPR and PPR quantitative data templates and Word versions of the progress narrative templates. Once completed, the narrative Word template must be converted to a PDF by clicking “File”, then “Save As”, then selecting “PDF” from the drop-down menu of available file formats. Only PDF versions of the completed progress narrative can be uploaded into Grant Solutions. When accessing the Word narrative templates, download and save the file to your computer with the reporting date included. For example, if you are submitting the Grant Year 4 PPR, it is recommended to save the file with "10.30.2024" in the file name.