This training video describes best practices to follow to keep data secure.
Displaying 71 - 80 of 81
This training video describes best practices to follow to keep data secure.
This training video walks through the steps for creating and managing user accounts in nFORM.
This training video walks through the steps for adding grantee locations and service providers in nFORM.
This training video walks through the steps for adding service assignments for local evaluations.
This training video walks through the steps for enrolling clients and managing client profiles.
This training video walks through the process for administering surveys to clients, including administering surveys to clients in group settings such as in schools.
This training video walks through the steps to record participation in individual services.
This training video walks through the bulk update features of nFORM.
This training video describes how to use nFORM's operational reports.
This is a PDF of privacy information to provide to clients.